A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

How Long

It was really a nice evening yesterday. I was still so excited when I went to bed that I hardly couldn't sleep.
We were not many people in the restaurant but the night went so quickly when we were dancing from the beginning to the end.
Two line dance teachers, Alan and Barb from England, visited us and they are really good dancers.
They did teach us how to dance "How Long", a dance that I have planned to start learning soon.
I was so excited! I tried to remember all the steps when I went to bed but now I'm not really sure and need to get the dance sheet to check it up. But it helps a lot when somebody shows you how a dance goes and it will not be any problem to learn it properly now.
Normally I have to learn new line dances at home. I learn the steps from the dance sheet and after that I have to wait until some line dancer who knows the dance comes to our restaurant and dance it.
Thats because I don't like to start doing a dance public before I know I have got it right or I know there is somebody who know how it goes.
Sometimes I have to wait for a dance so long that I forget how it goes before I get the confirmation of it and it's a little bit frustrating.
I started line dancing 17 months ago and have learned about 40 dances so far.

Please, visit the website of Alan and Barb;

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