A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Saturday

It's many years since I last saw an "Easter witch".
In the area where we come from In Finland the children dress up to look like witches today.
Then they walk around knocking the doors begging for candies. They bring a coffee pot where the people can lay the gifts. Sometimes they even get money and fruits.
I was doing it when I was young and I got every time about 10-20 Finnish marks, a lot of candies and maybe a couple of apples or oranges.
In the night the families gathered around the "Easter fires". Then we grilled sausages and had limonade.
Later in the night the youths were doing mischief to the house owners. Like blowed up mail boxes and put the broom in front of the doors so that the people inside couldn't get out.
Or maybe put hay poles on the road so that the cars couldn't pass etc.
I have been involved in the broom placement and even been involved in hiding brooms. It maybe sounds like criminal activity but this is something that almost everyone from our area has been doing. It was more like to safeguard traditions.
I don't know how popular all these things are today but I think there are still at least witches and Easter fires.

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