A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To stay on schedule

Tonight we are going to play. My voice is not the best one but I will try to do my best.
Right now we are waiting for the man that is going to repair our bathroom. Yesterday he suddenly showed up at 3´00 pm telling us he will be back today at 11´00 am. The time has passed one o'clock now and we haven't seen him yet. But it's okey. We are just at home resting and have got time to wait.
In Finland we are good to stay on schedule. If we say we'll meet a specific time, we'll be there and if we can't we call and change the time. To just miss out the time put ourselves to shame.
I've heard Finnair has many times been the best aircompany to be in time.
Is it sounding like bragging? I don't mean to brag. Just like to tell you how our culture variates from the spanish culture.

1 comment:

Kiika said...

Å jag e alltför tidig...:) Alltid en kvart eller tio minuter före....:) int lika vurm som mor dock som e alltid halvtimmen före..:)