A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Our day off

It's Monday and our day off.
I have spent a big part of the day at the hospital doing some of the tests the surgeon like me to have before the surgery.
They did X-ray my lungs, made a gastric duodenal X-ray of the larynx and the stomach and took a lot of blood tests and made a ECG test.

All the different examinations had a good timing and I only had to wait a few minutes in between.
Even the drink for the gastric duodenal X-ray went easily down when I was not allowed to eat anything in eight hours before I got there.
It just felt like a smooth breakfast.

I walked into the hospital 8.30 and was ready about 11.00.
Then I went back in 4 pm and met the doctor who took away the polyps.
He had got the evaluation of the biopsy and I got to know that the polyps were of a good type.
But he like to see me every year and do an endoscopy to be sure I don't get new ones.
No problem for me when they always put me to sleep during the examination.

Up in Scandinavia they don't and people say it's one of the worse experience you can have.
I am very happy with the treatment I have got here in Spain so far and my wish is that everybody in the world could have the same.

I had my "second" breakfast at the crêpes restaurant in Vista Sur.
This time I had a salty one called Hawaii.
It was really lovely and I recommend you to try out this restaurant
while you are on Tenerife.

When I got home Clas had started preparing for our first grill party this summer.
And he had bought me a bouquet of roses.

He also had bought this wine that is produced in Arona, which is
the community of Tenerife where we live.
We had it with the dinner and it tasted very good.

Clas is a very good in making food and the dinner was excellent.

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