A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Islamic ladies can now have a day on the beach if they like.
This is how they look in their bathing suit called burkini.
The photo is taken in Sweden where people sometimes swim naked,
and because of that there is a man without clothes in the background.
A mix of two extremely different cultures.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but it makes no sense. The man makes full sense, swimming without clothes on is natural and comfortable. The muslimas on the other hand wear burqini's to retain their virtue and to keep lustful men at bay or something like that. Why did they pose? Didn't they see the guy coming out of the water? They did, and didn't care? Or were they taking advantage of the situation and wanted to make a statement? 'Look how western man are, uncivilized, perverted kafirs!'
The frustrating thing about internet is that so many information gets lost. Pictures are posted, captions are left off or cut off.

Anonymous said...

By the way, this version was cropped. There's another burqini girl, sitting at the right. She also doesn't look at the man, but is laughing.