Every now and then people ask me if I have got a new boyfriend yet.
In the beginning, after the divorce, I didn't really like to answer the question when I thought it was too personal. But people still keep asking and I understand it's quite an interesting question for many.
The answer is NO!
It's tough to go through a divorce and I am not even interesting in having a boyfriend at the moment. I am still confused and need time to get back into a normal life and become more stabilized.
I never thought I would divorce Clas. I believe in lifelong lasting marriages, but suddenly I just had to change my mind and when that happened I totally lost my footing.
To be honest with you I can't trust anybody at the moment.
I will now have a time on my own but of course I am interesting in finding somebody in the future.
It's the same like I told you about the business; He has to come to me! I will not go out hunting!
I strongly believe there is somebody with who I am a 'match made in heaven' and when it's the right time he will show up.
I will patiently wait until it happens.
A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I Like Business
Last night was nice.
First I went out for dinner to Little Italy.
(Sorry, Clas has borrowed my camera and because of that I haven't got any photos).
There I met a man from Italy with who I probably will do some business in the future.
Without knowing each other we just happened to meet at the same restaurant a week ago when I was having dinner there.
We started to chat and the man is now interesting in me joining one of his businesses. We will meet again Monday and after that i hopefully know more about how it will be.
Later in the night I went over to Scandibar for a couple of hours and came home around 12 o'clock in the night.
Before i met Clas I was more like a business woman.
I have always loved to do business but this disposition has been put on hold the last years and I have been more into music, which also have been nice.
I think 'to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven' and I don't regret anything. If you do things in the right season you will always enjoy them and I will, irrespective of what I'm up to, always be a singer too. I love to sing!
Anyhow, I now start feeling for doing some business again.
I will for sure become more active as soon as the right projects crop up.
I have decided the projects have themselves to come to me.
I will not 'look for them by using candles and lamps', like we say in Swedish.
If there is a business that is meant to be done by me it for sure will come to me in the right time and the doors will be opened and it will be successful. I am not interested in forcing myself into anything when i know if it's not meant to be it will just cause me problems and a lot of effort and it will not bring the prosperity i hope for.
About twenty years ago I was a partner in a company in Finland called Malax fastigheter Ab.
We bought apartments, houses and business properties, made renovations and sold them out. This business came to me in a supernatural way.
I was just sitting in a bar drinking coffee and some of the most well known businessmen in the area showed up at the table next to me and asked me to join them in their new company.
They said they needed me because they thought i was such a skilled salesperson and I was even offered to be the chairman for the board of directors which I felt was too much. I was only 25 years old at the time and thought they all had more experience than me, but decided anyhow to give it a try and joined the company.
I was at the time running two businesses.
One was a makeup/color analysis company in which I imported make up in the right shades from Germany, that I sold to my costumers. I made analysis on the customers and told them which colors would fit them + gave hints about makeup and hairstyles, taste in clothing, jeweleries, eyeglasses etc.
I also arranged makeup classes and kept shows in different associations and the local television and the ferries that traffic between Sweden and Finland even made special cruises with my business as a theme.
The other business I was into was that I was selling non-corrosive 'Hot tops' for the chimneys to the property owners.
A 'Hot top' is like a wind weather vane that among other things avoids the smoke to get back into the chimney, protects it from the rain, causes a stronger draught and is saving energy, which means money. Rain + soot = acid which causes the chimney to start decomposing.
I sold a lot of Hot tops and they were a hot topic in the discussions between the men.
When you were driving the car through the villages you could see who had it or not and I turned out to be a little of an ' chimney expert' with who the men gladly discussed the chimney.
He,he! I have been climbing up to the chimney of many houses, with the house owners, just to look at the 'problem' and to help them install the 'Hot top'!!! That was sometimes a part of the 'sales show'!
The property business that I joined also turned out to be prosperous and Tor Knuts, who is a well known business man in the area where I come from, was like a mentor to me.
He knew how to run this kind of business and I enjoyed so much to work with him.
It was so exciting to do speculative purchases and it's for sure one of the must fun businesses I have ever been up to. The gambling in it makes it very exciting.
Later I met Clas and we started up a recording company and I didn't have much time to do property business anymore and before we moved to Florida I sold my shares in the property business company to the other owners.
Oh, I get so excited when I write about these lovely memories.
Hopefully I will soon be into some business again.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Nice Weather!
Sorry I haven't got much time to blog right now.
However, the weather here on Tenerife is again nice and sunny.
Line dance tonight and I really look forward to it. Have to get a short nap before I start preparing for the night. Haven't been sleeping much lately...
Tomorrow is a night off and i would like to do something special. What I haven't decided yet.
I have a business appointment in the afternoon but in the night I probably will go out and just have some fun.
However, the weather here on Tenerife is again nice and sunny.
Line dance tonight and I really look forward to it. Have to get a short nap before I start preparing for the night. Haven't been sleeping much lately...
Tomorrow is a night off and i would like to do something special. What I haven't decided yet.
I have a business appointment in the afternoon but in the night I probably will go out and just have some fun.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Rain and rain and rain...

I tell you, It's a quite tough life to live a single life!
Yesterday I slept the whole day to become normal after being out with some single friends on Monday night.
We visited three different bars and I got home around 4 o'clock in the morning.
I will not become a party princess but sometimes you just have to go out and have some fun.
Its cloudy with scattered showers here on Tenerife today and we still don't know if we can play tonight or not.
Its not good for our sound system if we play during heavy rains and the electricity here on Tenerife is not safe built either, which means it could be dangerous to stand in water and sing.
We will probably get an extra night off tonight.
If we do I will spend the night on the internet answering all the mails I have got and check out my Facebook. I haven't had time to be on the internet lately and it will take hours to catch everything up.
Oh, it's raining cats and dogs now! Poor tourists!
And a new heavy storm is expected on Friday!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
35.000 Visitors
I am happy its still about 100 visitors per day visiting my blog even when I haven't been blogging much lately.
The daily life goes on like normal here and I haven't had much to tell you.
I am in a good mood and think the life is in any case quite good.
Today I have been visiting my dentist and he built a teeth that had been broken.
I am so happy knowing my mouth is now 'tip top' and I can have a bleach again.
Last time I bleached my teeth was about 4 years ago.
Now the new Stradivarius jewelery collection has arrived.
I was out shopping the other day and bought the pieces on the photos below.
The daily life goes on like normal here and I haven't had much to tell you.
I am in a good mood and think the life is in any case quite good.
Today I have been visiting my dentist and he built a teeth that had been broken.
I am so happy knowing my mouth is now 'tip top' and I can have a bleach again.
Last time I bleached my teeth was about 4 years ago.
Now the new Stradivarius jewelery collection has arrived.
I was out shopping the other day and bought the pieces on the photos below.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
La Karina 06.02.2010
This video clip was made last night at La Karina.
It was Saturday and a country and dance night and we were very busy.
The guests were dancing all the time and it was so fun to play.
In the beginning of the night it despite to everything was quite stressing when the artist in the neighbor restaurant was so loud that we hardly could hear what we were doing.
We even stopped playing for a while waiting for the problem to be solved.
Our restaurant owner had to pay two visits there before they turned down the sound a little bit.
Before that Clas had to take up our sound to a level where we never had been before.
Our speakers are pointed toward the stage where we stand, to avoid the sound to interrupt the neighbor, and my ears started aching terribly.
I thought the eardrums would break. It was hurting so much and I still feel a little bit deaf.
We normally keep our sound on a level that allows our guests to talk with each other but in the beginning of last night that was not viable.
The neighbor artist stopped anyhow quite early and after that we could take down the sound.
The problem is that our neighbor right now keep the speakers out on the lawn and they are in addition directed toward us. The artist there has to be extreme loud to hear what he is doing.
If he just would get the speakers pointing into their own restaurant and to himself the problem would be solved.
Sigh! This is Tenerife!
Please, click on the arrow to watch the video clip.
It was made after the sound war.
It was Saturday and a country and dance night and we were very busy.
The guests were dancing all the time and it was so fun to play.
In the beginning of the night it despite to everything was quite stressing when the artist in the neighbor restaurant was so loud that we hardly could hear what we were doing.
We even stopped playing for a while waiting for the problem to be solved.
Our restaurant owner had to pay two visits there before they turned down the sound a little bit.
Before that Clas had to take up our sound to a level where we never had been before.
Our speakers are pointed toward the stage where we stand, to avoid the sound to interrupt the neighbor, and my ears started aching terribly.
I thought the eardrums would break. It was hurting so much and I still feel a little bit deaf.
We normally keep our sound on a level that allows our guests to talk with each other but in the beginning of last night that was not viable.
The neighbor artist stopped anyhow quite early and after that we could take down the sound.
The problem is that our neighbor right now keep the speakers out on the lawn and they are in addition directed toward us. The artist there has to be extreme loud to hear what he is doing.
If he just would get the speakers pointing into their own restaurant and to himself the problem would be solved.
Sigh! This is Tenerife!
Please, click on the arrow to watch the video clip.
It was made after the sound war.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
I took some crazy photos of me last night before
I went out for dinner.
Please click on the little arrow to watch them.
I had sushi at restaurant Fuijyama.
It felt a little bit unusual to go out for dinner alone,
but one of the waiters, a guy from Latvia, kept
me company and I even learned how to eat with
the Chinese sticks.
I went out for dinner.
Please click on the little arrow to watch them.
I had sushi at restaurant Fuijyama.
It felt a little bit unusual to go out for dinner alone,
but one of the waiters, a guy from Latvia, kept
me company and I even learned how to eat with
the Chinese sticks.
Friday, February 05, 2010
The Dance Agenda

Mondays and Fridays are our nights off.
Tuesdays and Thursdays it's only line dance and we play country music and some of the latest pop hits.
Wednesdays and Saturdays its normal dance and we only play country music and popular dance hits + some Scandinavian dance music.
Sundays are a mix depending on the audience.
If we get many line dancers we play line dance, if we get many of the other dancers we play the music that fits them or a mix of everything which sometimes can cause some disorder on the dance floor.
This agenda is valid till the last of April.
Then the 'winter birds' leave the island and our audience change.
May- September we mostly play line dance, pop music and the newer country music.
June, the beginning of July and the month of September have been real line dance months the last years.
Many dancers from both England and Holland tend to show up during these months.
Crowded Nights
We are very crowded in the nights at La Karina and its very fun to play.
Last night it was at least 100 people out on the street who couldn't get in.
It feels frustrating to see people have to leave and I can understand how frustrating it is for the people themselves when they have planned to come and spend the night with us.
We need a restaurant with at least 300 chairs this time a year and that's not easy to find.
We also need a bigger dance floor so that everybody could dance in the same time.
As its now we have to play dance music and line dance music on separate nights to avoid collisions on the dance floor.
To be sure you get in I recommend you to arrive before 8 o'clock.
If you like to be sure you get a table out on the terrace you need to be there around 7.30.
We start playing 8 o'clock and at that time the restaurant often is filled.
The waiters are very busy taking care of all the guests in the nights and it has lately happened that guests have left the restaurant without paying the bill.
It many times happens when there are bigger groups visiting us. Then its some couple in the group who forget to pay.
If the other people at the table not take care of the unpaid drink bill the waiters themselves have to pay it. The waiters have assumed the full responsibility, to look after that everybody pay, which is not easy when the restaurant is so crowded.
If you suddenly remember you have forgot to pay the bill nobody will judge you if you come back and sort it out. Sometimes people come running back the same night paying but it also happens that the bills are left unpaid which is unfair to the waiters.
We are off tonight and I will spend the night watching The Swedish Caribbean Robinson over the internet.
Have a nice night.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
I am sorry I haven't been blogging lately but I will now try to do my best and make a new start.
When and how often I will blog I haven't decided yet, but I will anyhow keep you updated if something special happens in my life.
(Hawk...I mean if it's not far too personal....)
I am now living alone here on Tenerife.
Clas and I applied for divorce already in December 2008 and now we have got the final paper from the City Court of Helsinki that says we are not married anymore.
In Finland you get a reconciliation period of up to one year before its over and that's why it took us such a long time.
The reconciliation is now over and we are still friends and will continue singing together like normal at restaurant La Karina in Las Americas.
We have all the time been entertaining like normal since the separation started 14 months ago.
Our daily life the last year has not been much different from how it has been the last years. We have spent all our spare time together, but now after the move we will take the next step and begin spending our spare time away from each other.
He,he! To continue like before would for sure make us singles for ever! Don't you think so? No, I'm joking!
Clas has moved out to an other apartment and I will continue living here where we lived before. We are both very busy preparing our 'new homes'.
I have been cleaning my apartment the whole afternoon. It was really dirty and messed up after all the boxes and stuff were carried out, but now it looks better and I feel so satisfied and will soon go to bed.
This is my first night sleeping alone since I came to Tenerife.
I am very tired which means I for sure will fall to sleep directly when I get into bed.
Good Night!
When and how often I will blog I haven't decided yet, but I will anyhow keep you updated if something special happens in my life.
(Hawk...I mean if it's not far too personal....)
I am now living alone here on Tenerife.
Clas and I applied for divorce already in December 2008 and now we have got the final paper from the City Court of Helsinki that says we are not married anymore.
In Finland you get a reconciliation period of up to one year before its over and that's why it took us such a long time.
The reconciliation is now over and we are still friends and will continue singing together like normal at restaurant La Karina in Las Americas.
We have all the time been entertaining like normal since the separation started 14 months ago.
Our daily life the last year has not been much different from how it has been the last years. We have spent all our spare time together, but now after the move we will take the next step and begin spending our spare time away from each other.
He,he! To continue like before would for sure make us singles for ever! Don't you think so? No, I'm joking!
Clas has moved out to an other apartment and I will continue living here where we lived before. We are both very busy preparing our 'new homes'.
I have been cleaning my apartment the whole afternoon. It was really dirty and messed up after all the boxes and stuff were carried out, but now it looks better and I feel so satisfied and will soon go to bed.
This is my first night sleeping alone since I came to Tenerife.
I am very tired which means I for sure will fall to sleep directly when I get into bed.
Good Night!
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