Maybe somebody has been wondering what I've been up to when I haven't said anything on this blog for a long time.
One reason, why I've been quiet, is that I've been busy painting (with Brito).
The apartment almost looks like brand new now.
We started the project by paining the balcony furniture earlier in the autumn. Then we figured out we must paint all the flowerpots too...
A couple of weeks ago Brito started thinking everything would look better if he would paint the balcony walls, so he started doing that...
When it finally was ready we started thinking we ought to paint the walls in the kitchen too. That was not the easiest thing because we had to change the color a few times before we were satisfied...
Then Brito started looking at the other rooms and he thought the walls looked so dirty and he started paining them as well...
One night when I got home from work and sat in the kitchen I figured out the golden mirror had to change color too, and all the furniture in the kitchen was in a need of a restoration painting and next day we started painting them all in the same color like before....The mirror turned into a color called "piedra" that is light beige-grey.
When this was ready Brito thought the curtains didn't fit any more and I went out on town and bought new ones...
Like this we have been going on the last 3 weeks! I think it will never be ready!
Every time we sit down and look around we get new ideas of things that have to be done.
Yesterday when it was my day off we took a trip to Sta Cruz and I bought a lot of stuff for the house. I have plans to make a video clip later, when the home is ready prepared for Christmas...