A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crayfish Season

The crayfish season hasn´t started yet ( it starts 21st of July , 12 o´clock in the noon) but yesterday Carola brought 2 boxes of crayfishes to the island and we had a little crayfish party. They were lovely!
The weather is a little bit cold now (only + 13 degrees last night) so after the meal we deceided to move inside the house and we put some logs on fire in the fireplace.

The crayfishes.

 Carola in the rocking chair.
The pelt on the wall behind her is from a seal.
There are seals living in the sea where we are and
Carola and Calle saw one the other night when they were out fishing.
My dad used to eat the meat from the seals. I didn´t. I´ve never tasted it.
It smells terribly when you cook it and many people prepare it outside the house.
To me it´s just a mystery how they can have it.


1 comment:

Sue Norm said...

It looks a beautiful place . Lucky you . Enjoy..xxxxx