A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Preparing For The New Season

The summer is soon over and I have already started preparing for the new season.
As you can see my blogg also has got a new look with an theme of autumn.

At the moment I´m busy looking for new songs to take into the repertoire.
Walk alone, Paradise Hotel, Raggle Taggle Gypsy, The boat to Liverpool, Timber are a few of the backing tracks/dances that I´ve got so far, but I can´t yet promise that I finally will sing them when I must try out the key first to see if they fit my voice. If not we can play the original tracks in the breaks if somebody like to dance them.

If there is a popular line dance that you think I should start singing please tell me on my Facebook or send a mail to susanne@susanneholm.com.

I don´t know yet when I will be ready to start, but I will for sure be on before the end of August... maybe earlier? During the month of September we will have line dance 6 nights a week.

September is a "line dance month" here on Tenerife. The other months we mostly have line dance 3 nights a week, and 3 nights we have mixed country music/ couple dance nights.
Please get over here if you can and meet up with all the dancers that come back every year in September.If we get teachers here from England I will ask them to teach the new, most popular dances, if they like to do it. It would be nice if we could learn at least a couple of new dances every week, but like I said it depends on if somebody like to teach.

We will start "the line dance month" already in the end of August when some of the dancers will arrive earlier this year.

I look forward seeing you soon, 

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