Yesterday Clas taught me how to run one of our sound systems if I like to go out and sing alone.
It's very easy and it will not be any problem for me to take care of the sound myself.
Today I will do some rehearsal here in the apartment. I use headphones when i do it which means the neighbors are not gonna hear me.
I get echo and everything in the headphones and it sounds so good.
From now on I really would like to always use this system when I do rehearsal of new songs.
Yesterday I sang for about an hour in the afternoon and it was so fun.
I really start missing to be out singing now so if you have a restaurant in Los Cristianos or Las Americas and need a musician please, call me on 672 947 181.
I sing Country and some of the latest pop hits from the UK radio top list + some older hits from the 70's and up.
Have a nice day.
Hoppas du hittar nå ställe att sjung på. Min jobbarkompis o hennes man blev helt facinerade av ert uppträdande när dom var på Teneriffa. I wisch you a good luck!!!
Kram Carola
Tack! Det verkar som att jag kanske börjar spela själv nu. Åtminstone för ett tag i alla fall.
Vi har de senaste två veckorna träffat flera engelska restaurangägare som är intresserade av att anställa mej så snart turismen kommer upp igen. Vi får se.
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