A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm Reaching My First Goal!!!

I am so happy!!! I stepped on the scales a while ago and discovered I am only 300 grams from reaching my first goal. I have now lost 4,7 kilograms!
It's very easy to loose weight! You just eat less and when you eat you eat more
healthy and it manages itself.

Now I will go for next goal which is loosing 5 more kilos.
I will also start exercising 3-4 days a week to build up a better condition.
It will take a lot of energy to sing 6 nights a week and I must become more fit to make it.
I have been too lazy the last months, not dancing much in the nights, but now the nights soon will become more chilly and then there's no excuse to not dance.

Hopefully I get a real firm behind and stomach in the end?
I know it deserves a lot of time in the gym too, and that will probably be
my third goal after I have lost the next 5 kilos. We'll see...!

A behind like this would be okay, don't you think so?
(Sorry if I shock somebody with this photo.
Please, remember it's only a creation of God!)

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