A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Friday, March 11, 2011


This is only an omelet but it is anyhow a lunch and Brito thought it was nice.

My life is slowly but steadily changing now. It becomes more and more normal.
I get up earlier in the mornings (sometimes between 8 and 9) + get to
bed earlier in the nights (about 1 or 2 o'clock).

Some days I even make the lunch or the dinner for us. I like at the moment to
pot around in the kitchen and I'm just hoping I will not make him too spoiled.
He really enjoys getting the opportunity to try the Scandinavian cuisine, and
I'm just thinking about what I'm gonna serve him next.

Before the breakfast was the same as the lunch for me, and I always had
the dinner in the nights at Lewinskis.
Now I'm having breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

He,he! Now you think about my weight! Don't you?
Yes, I've again gained about 2 kilos, but I've started thinking there is a time for eating and an other time for loosing weight and it seams like I am in the period of eating at the moment.

The problem is that I like to use stuff like cream, cheese and Cream Fraishe in my cooking.
I know it's not healthy but what don't you do when you like to impress on somebody?
All this stuff make everything taste much better!
It's like a cooking secret of mine!
It's possible I serve him only vegetables in all kind of forms in the future!
I mean when I get into the 'loosing weight period'.


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