A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Friday, July 11, 2008

My turquoise boots

People ask me all the time how many boots I have or how many outfits I have.
I have decided to keep it a secret. Thats because some think I have got too many and maybe start saying I shop too much.
I don't know, maybe it's only me being under the `jante law´ of Scandinavia when I think in that way?
I don't blog much about the clothes, boots and the pieces of jewelery I shop and I think it's good when the clothes are a part of the show too.

These turquoise boots are the ones that get most compliments of all the boots I have got. Specially the English ladies like them and some have even asked if I am interesting in selling them.
A man even came one time and asked if I like to sell them to him when he would like to surprise his wife who really would like to have them.
But, No! I am not going to sell them!
I have had them for over a year now and use them one night per month with some of my turquoise outfits.
They are very comfortable and it's no problem to do line dancing in them which gives them extra points.
Some of my boots are so high that I have to avoid too much of line dancing the nights I wear them.

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