A blog about Tenerife, Linedancing, Food, Shopping etc.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Very lacy day

I haven't been doing anything so far today!
Have only been reading other bloggers posts.
Clas is pottering about in the kitchen preparing a nice dinner for us.
I have got a big pile of clothes to iron in the bedroom but I don't have much inspiration in doing that. I just like to be lazy for once.
This summer has been very restful so far and it's really nice when we are so busy in the winter time with all the tourists and friends. Since May we have spend the most of our days off at home. During the winter season it can be months without having one single night at home.

We were tired last spring and I hope this coming season will be more quiet.
We are out with people six nights a week because of the work and then we for sure don't have to go out the seventh night too. It's fun to meet friends and go out but it takes energy to be out every night and to always have to be social and talk and entertain.

Some of the other artists here on the island think we are not cleaver when we do like we do and have told us we need to rest more or we will end up burned out. Maybe our approach is a beginners affliction and we will learn in the future how you keep more distance from the audience. Doesn't sound fun, does it? I don't like to end up a caged monkey!
No! I can't imagine it going so far on small Tenerife!

Without this restful summer we probably would have been burned out but now I'm just waiting for the friends to start arriving again. It's much more fun when we are over crowded in the nights at Lewinski even when it also feels stressing to not have time enough to be with everybody we have learned to know. The two short breaks we get in a night isn't enough of time and I many times join the line dancers in the breaks which means I don't have any time off at all. I know I don't have to do it but I like line dancing so much and in the breaks I don't have to sing in the same time as I dance which is very relaxing.

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